Dental Veneers: What Do I Need to Know?

by | May 15, 2018 | Dentist, Dentistry

Are you looking for a cosmetic dental treatment that can solve the issue of discoloured, chipped or misaligned teeth? Would you like to see results immediately, and enjoy perfect smile? Veneers could be the treatment that you are looking for! Make an appointment and ask your dentist in Burlington about dental veneers.

What are veneers?

Veneers are custom made thin shells of porcelain attached to the front part of teeth, re-creating the look of your natural teeth. Porcelain veneers have the strength and resilience comparable to the natural tooth enamel and they do not stain and change in color.

Why do I need veneers?

Veneers offer fast and less invasive cosmetic solution for discolored, misaligned, damaged or crooked teeth. They are also used as a solution to close gaps between your teeth, dramatically improving the appearance of your smile. Also, if you had veneers done years ago, and you have any issues with them, contact a dental practice in Burlington to fix your dental veneers.

What do I need to know?

Treatment involving veneers is irreversible, therefore it is very important to discuss any alternatives to your dental issues. If you and your dentist decide that veneers offer the best way of treatment, make sure that your dentist has the qualifications and experience to perform this kind of treatment. Burlington to fix your dental veneers

Schedule a consultation with one of highly qualified dentist at Fielding Dental Healthcare today.

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