The Risks and Costs Associated with Mesa AZ Dental Implants

by | May 27, 2013 | Dental Services

If you’re one of those people that have issues with missing teeth, in the past, you may have had to consider bridgework as your only viable option. Fortunately, that is no longer the case as you can choose to have dental implants to replace one or two missing teeth. However, there are a few things that you want to consider before deciding that Dental Implants Mesa AZ are the right option for your current dental situation.

If you have missing teeth on the top of your jaw, dental implants can be a bit tricky. One of the reasons why is in order to properly implant a tooth, a post will need to be placed in your upper jaw area where the the original tooth was. This intrusion into your jaw can negatively affect your nasal passages and can cause complications that may be with you for the rest of your life. While dental implants of the top of your jaw are possible, it is a bit more complicated than the lower part of your mouth.

In addition to the difficulties and complications that may arise from upper jaw dental implants, there is also the question of expense. Dental implants are commonly the purview of Cosmetic Dentistry. Unfortunately, dental implants are always elective procedures and, even with the best dental insurance, you will be paying the bill for the entire implant procedure.

Depending on where you live throughout the country, your dental implants can cost as much as $3000-$5000 per tooth. This can get very expensive if you are considering getting multiple implants. That’s why you will need to shop around to see which cosmetic dentist offers the best prices, and you will also want to have a consultation with a cosmetic dentist in order to see if you are a good candidate for dental implants.

While the cost of dental implants can be steep and while there can be the likelihood of complications due to upper jaw dental implants, for many people, the benefit of having a healthy smile is reason enough to risk any complications and to pay any price. If you are interested in Dental Implants Mesa AZ you would be wise to consult with your dentist to see if they offer these procedures. If not, get a referral from your dentist to visit a cosmetic dentist or oral surgeon that offers these implant procedures.

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