What Are Extractions And When Is a Dentist Likely to Recommend them?

by | Nov 29, 2019 | Cosmetic Dentistry

Extractions in Arlington Heights are procedures done when a tooth is too badly diseased or damaged to be salvaged. Teeth may also be extracted if they are impacted or the patient is undergoing orthodontic treatment.

What Does an Extraction Involve?

The dentist will use a local anesthetic to numb the area and keep the patient comfortable. They will rock the tooth back and forth to make the socket wider and thus make it easier to remove the tooth.

In some cases, the tooth is curved or is very firmly attached to its socket. In this situation, the dentist will perform a procedure called sectioning in which they cut the tooth into pieces and remove it a piece at a time.

What Happens After the Extraction?

The healing process won’t begin until a blood clot forms and stops the bleeding. The patient should thus staunch the blood flow by biting down on a gauze pad for 30 to 45 minutes. If they are still bleeding, they should bite down on a fresh gauze pad for at least half an hour.

The patient should be very careful to not dislodge the blood clot after it forms. They should, therefore, avoid using straws, smoking, drinking alcohol, and brushing around the extraction site for three days. They should take pain medications and use ice packs to keep the swelling down.

What Is an Impacted Tooth?

An impacted tooth is one that either does not emerge for some reason or one that can’t emerge because it does not have room or is in the wrong position. Wisdom teeth are very likely to be impacted, so many patients with impacted teeth are teenagers or young adults.

Children can also develop impacted teeth if something like a baby tooth or cyst blocks a permanent tooth from emerging.

Contact Schumer Family Dental Care to learn more about extractions in Arlington Heights.

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