Unhappy With Your Smile? Improve It With Cosmetic Dental Procedures

by | Jan 5, 2017 | Dentist

Cosmetic dentistry is more popular than ever, in the past cosmetic dental procedures were only available to those who could afford to pay large fees; TV and movie personalities for example. Today, procedures such as teeth whitening, closing gaps between teeth and even permanently replacing teeth are available to anyone.

When you first visit your cosmetic dentist in Chicago make sure you ask about the risks; if any, the cost and find out if there a need for any special maintenance once the procedure has been completed. Let’s have a quick look at a couple of popular cosmetic dental procedures that will quickly improve your looks and smile.

Teeth whitening: Of all the procedures available, teeth whitening is by far the most popular. The entire process can be completed in a single appointment and your teeth can be as much as eight shades.

Over time teeth become discolored from staining beverages such as tea and coffee and especially smoking cigarettes. Using a chemical which is basically bleach, the dentist can whiten your teeth. Although teeth whitening is something that can be done at home with OTC kits, the best results are from the cosmetic dentist in Chicago.

Remember one thing; teeth whitening is not teeth cleaning; you must continue to practice good dental hygiene with regular brushing and flossing.

Dental veneers: Dental veneers are extremely thin porcelain shells that are custom made to fit on the front surface of your teeth; veneers are used to change tooth color and shape as well as mask imperfections such as surface cracks and edge chips.

Your cosmetic dentist in Chicago will remove material from the front of your teeth equal to the thickness of the veneers. At this point an impression is made and the veneers are then made in a dental lab. Once fixed to the front of the teeth the results can be quite amazing.

Teeth whitening and porcelain veneers are only two of the many procedures that can be carried out by a cosmetic dentist in Chicago. If you are unhappy with your smile, make an appointment with The Dental Professionals of Lincoln Park.

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