What You Should Know Before Selecting a Sedation Dentist in Lincoln Park

by | Jan 14, 2014 | Dental

Dental sedation can eliminate the universal barrier of fearing the dentist. Many patients who need dental treatment, and avoid it due to fear or anxiety, can now breathe a sigh of relief knowing help is available. By scheduling a consult with a sedation dentist in Lincoln Park, you will understand how easy and painless it can be to undergo dental work. If you are looking to have dental work performed, but you are still unsure about how sedation dentistry works, continue reading.

What are the types of sedation dentistry?

* Oral sedation
* This method is through medication prescribed by the dentist.
* Conscious sedation
* People are more inclined to use this technique because it can be inhaled (nitrous oxide) or through an intravenous manner.

Most clinics recommend intravenous sedation, mainly because it is a much safer method. It allows the dentist to change the depth of sedation depending on the needs of each stage of the dental process.

Is it dangerous?

Actually, no it is not. In fact, it is a very safe technique. The major risks that may exist consist of allergies or respiratory depression, both of which are uncommon. Many dentists will have an anesthesiologist on-hand who specializes in the technique of conscious dental sedation. He or she is trained to monitor the patient at all times during the dental treatment.

Will I feel anything during conscious sedation?

The advantage of conscious sedation is that you can deepen the sedation level of the patient according to the particular needs required. It is accompanied by the administration of local anesthetic, which also facilitates surgery. This is because it decreases the bleeding, as well. The advantage is that the patient will have “dental procedure amnesia” once the dentist is finished. It is like the procedure never happened.

Procedures are performed under local anesthesia, which improves the quality and comfort of the patient in the absence of painful stimuli. The biggest advantage is that the patient is not aware when the dentist administers local anesthesia. Furthermore, intravenous anesthesia is used to administer corticosteroids and analgesics that will last after the end of the procedure. This will help the patient cope with any after-effects of the surgery.

If you are interested in learning more about the above topic, you should schedule a consult you’re your local sedation dentist in Lincoln Park immediately.

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