Keeping Your Teeth Healthy and Clean With a Dentist in Edmond

by | Jan 17, 2020 | Dental Care

You likely know that you need to brush your teeth at least twice a day to keep them healthy and clean. Another way that you can keep them as healthy as possible is by going to a dentist who you’re comfortable with at least once every six months. Your dentist in Edmond, OK, can examine your teeth to see if there are any issues that need to be addressed and to ensure that your teeth are cleaned with fluoride and other products that you might not have at home.

Regular Visits

Aside from getting a good cleaning from the hygienist, you need to maintain regular visits to your dentist to monitor the health of your gums, to see if there are any cavities that need to be treated, and to look for any signs of cancer or other diseases. Your dentist can compare current visits to prior ones so that any changes can be noted.

Signs of Needed Treatment

Sometimes, there are issues that need immediate attention. If you notice bleeding when you brush or floss your teeth or sensitivity to extreme temperatures in your mouth, then you want to visit a dentist to see if there is any damage that needs to be treated. If you have diabetes, a heart condition, or other health issues that could impact your teeth, you should visit a dentist in Edmond, OK, as well.

Finding an Office

When you’re looking for a dentist in Edmond, OK, consider asking your primary care doctor for a recommendation. You can also ask your insurance company as well as family and friends.

Contact Monica Neely Dentistry for more information about the importance of visiting a dentist.

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