The Dentists in Manassas Help Patients With Periodontal Disease

by | Aug 12, 2015 | Dentistry

Gum disease is one of the leading causes of tooth loss outside of cavities. When gum disease begins in a person’s mouth, it starts off subtle and can progress rapidly. The main reason many people end up with periodontal disease is simply because they ignore the warning signs of gingivitis. Knowing the many warning signs that can be present in a person’s smile will allow them to know when they need to seek treatment from the dentists in Manassas.

The dentists in Manassas tell patients they need to look for these important warning signs:

*     Redness and swelling in the gums

*     Gum irritation

*     Bleeding gums after brushing or flossing

*     Foul breath

*     Pus drainage around the teeth

*     Tooth loosening

The beginning stages of gum disease are mild and completely reversible. Redness, swelling and irritation will begin to occur when gingivitis is present. Fortunately, the dentist can treat a person’s gum tissue through a deep cleaning procedure. With medicated mouth rinses and careful dental care, a person can be free of gingivitis.

Unfortunately, many people do not pay attention to the signs gingivitis is present and they end up developing periodontal disease. This disease can progress quickly and ends up causing pockets of infection around the teeth and eventual tooth loosening. Treatment for periodontal disease takes time. The dentist first works to treat the infection of the gum tissue. Strong antibiotics can remove the infection and allow the gums to begin to heal.

Once the gum tissue has been treated, laser therapy may need to be carried out to reduce the inflammation of the gums and tighten the swollen pockets that have formed around the teeth. The sooner a person seeks treatment from the dentist, the less likely they will experience the massive tooth loss that can occur when the disease becomes advanced.

Those who have noticed warning signs with their gum tissue need to contact a dentist right away. For further information on dental treatments and how they can stop the progression of the disease,They provide patients with the extensive dental treatments they need for a healthier and more beautiful smile.

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