Things To Know Before Considering Lincoln Square Braces

by | May 14, 2015 | Dental Care

If you live in Lincoln Square and are considering braces, you should know a few things first. While they can be used to create a more appealing smile and give you confidence, most people aren’t sure about them or their abilities. They may even think they are too old for the system and may ignore their problematic teeth because of that.

No Age Limit

While it’s true that children or teenagers are usually the best candidates for orthodontic work, adults can benefit as well. In fact, more and more adults are considering the choice because their parents couldn’t afford them, and now you are financially stable. As long as your jaw bones and gums are healthy, you should be able to consider this option.

Bite Is Important

While everyone wants straighter teeth to have an appealing smile, the bite is also important. Brace work not only straightens teeth but helps the teeth bite correctly. Under or overbites can cause problems that can become severe later in life. Crowding or large gaps between teeth can also be problematic. In many cases, the treatment can work for those problems too.

Orthodontic Training

Most people don’t realize that orthodontists have more training than dentists. While your dentist is qualified to handle cleanings and some mouth problems, orthodontists may be better suited to handle jaw function, tooth movement, and other situations. While your dentist may also be qualified, it’s important to find out about their training and qualifications before choosing someone to work on your teeth.


Most orthodontists offer free consultations and most people in Lincoln Square aren’t aware of this. The benefit of a free consultation is that you can use that time to find out if you feel comfortable with the orthodontist or would maybe prefer another. You may also want to consider the consultation as a way to get a second opinion, especially if tooth extraction is recommended.

Cost and Treatment Time

Many dental plans do not include braces for adults or teens. Therefore, it is important that you are financially stable enough to handle this cost appropriately and in a timely manner. While most orthodontists will work out a payment plan, you still need to be able to afford the monthly bill.

Treatment time should also be considered, as it takes about two years for most adult procedures. In many cases, after the initial treatment, you’ll need to wear mouth guards or retainers, which will further the treatment time.

Lincoln Square braces could be just what you need to fix your dental problems and have a beautiful smile. Visit Polished: A Dental Studio today to learn more or request an appointment.

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